Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We go through life according to our beliefs. I choose to keep some special angels on the desk in front of me to remind me of what is important in life. They all have names and they all are special. Today I choose to share the Angel of Happiness and the Angel of Serenity. The one reminds me that being peaceful is nurturing to my body, mind and spirit. The other reminds me that happiness is not something to be earned, but something that is!! It is within all of us as long as we believe. Ah, but do all of our beliefs work for us? I would like to think so, but do know otherwise. How can we change this?
AFFIRMATIONS: these are simple statements made on purpose to change some aspect of our lives. The more we do them, the more our behavior becomes like them! So let's concentrate on creating affirmations to empower and strengthen ourselves. Remember that we have control over our reactions to our world. Affirmations are strong positive statements that tell us that EVERYTHING IS WELL despite what the mind might be saying to us. We create positive thoughts to replace the negative ones.
OK...let's get you started on the process. Just reading and/or saying these words everyday will make you stronger whether you believe them...yet...or not. It can turn into a habit that represents a way of life - a POSITIVE one of LOVING YOURSELF.
Start by taking some time to think about areas in your life you would like to improve and how you might want your life to be. Write the most important one/s down in a list. Use one of these to write an affirmation for YOU!
Take a 3x5 card and write a positive statement on it:
"I am filled with energy"
"My body loves to exercise"
"I enjoy food that is healthy and nurturing"
"I believe in myself"
"I am at peace with myself"
"I have a fulfilling job"
1. Make sure that the words are written in the present tense.
2. Be positive.
3. These can either be spoken or written - or both.
4. Repitition is critical. Every time you say the statement, do it 10 times.
It takes 21 days to make a habit permanent
Remember the message of DARE TO AFFIRM - catch them doing something right and nurture and affirm it - THIS INCLUDES YOU.
Visit our website: http://www.daretoaffirm.com/ to see details about our contest and how you can enter. We ask you to share your words on how your nurture and affirm yourself and others. Everyone is a winner!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the simple idea and technique of how to affirm myself. At the end of winter, I needed something like this today. I love reading this blog and come back almost every day.