Monday, December 17, 2007

Rachel Fisher Goes the Extra Miles

Last night Rachel Fisher of Arlington, VA, shared an empowering story. It was sent on to us and we want to "catch Rachel doing something right" - in fact many things. Thanks Rachel for being who you are and having such a positive effect on the world.
Rachel is a public school biology teacher. One of the students in her class, let's call him Thomas, has learning disabilities and is challenged academically. He tries really hard in class...does all of his assignments, and helps her and others with everything. He stays late to do things, is positive and helps with clean up in the labs.
Rachel gives bonus tickets to kids when they do those things, so although Thomas got a D- in his studies, she gave him a B- in the class for his motivation and for all of the effort he put into trying. She believes that this has helped him do even BETTER academically now and HIS PARENTS ARE HELPING HIM MORE. Rachel gave Thomas the encouragement he needed to excel in biology and his parents learned from her. How Cool is That?
See, the "catch them doing something right" message has a domino effect.

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