Monday, December 24, 2007

It's More Blessed To Give Than Receive

With Christmas just around the corner, I have been reflecting on what it all means and how this winter holiday got so commercialized. When I was growing up, and when I was raising my children, it was about giving to others in some way. You spent your time and your energy - money was not important. The idea, as I understood it, was to go outside of yourself and reach out to another person. To give from the heart.
When my children were young, I helped them learn this concept by having them make gifts for our friends and family members. the two older boys, now in their 30s, remember the kitchen stools they made for those shorter members of the family who could not reach that top shelf or kitchen cabinet without some supportive height. I remember my daughter (the lovely young woman in the picture with me)- much younger than her brothers - meticulously drawing designs on the soon to be personalized stationery and envelopes. There were a variety of flavored popcorns, yummy, gooey Christmas cookies, burning carved name plaques and glittery coffee can pencil holders. All of these gifts were made with plenty of sweat, laughter and yes, tears@@ They were made with tender love and care and...from the heart!! Even the hand-painted ornaments were a hit!
So as the celebration of Christ's birth grows near, remember that this is a time of giving - NOT what you are going to get or for making long lists for Santa or going to the mall. I keep remembering what is dancing in my head and heart. IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE. Touch someone's heart this holiday season by giving a simple gift made with love from your creative hands.
Peace to all and a Happy New Year 2008. Love, Allison


Photoschmoozer said...
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Anonymous said...

Way to go Allison. Sounds like you were...and are a wonderful mom. The world is lucky to have a person like YOU in it.