Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Found Confidence

Susan Fox Hirschman, a potter in Annadale, VA, shared this terrific story - the result of her naturally powerful teaching style as she engaged in private lessons with a young student.
"I got an incredibly moving phone message when I arrived home today. It was from the mom of one of my pottery students. Carol shared that her daughter Samantha's art teacher had seen a NEW YOUNG LADY this school year - full of confidence and a new desire to do art. Carol said she knows why. She knew that the private pottery lessons built self-confidence in Samantha because as her teacher, I told her that EVERYTHING WAS POSSIBLE and everything she did was wonderful!! I could focus on her and she was proud. There were no comparisons with other feelings of 'not good enough' . By the time she came to pick up her final work 8 sessions later, she was so confident and proud...such a metamorphosis took place here. What an affirmation for me to hear this message about what I do naturally - engaging my students and believing in them. I let them know 'there are no mistakes'! All she needed was some supportive positive feedback to feel her worth and value. Samantha blossomed where she was planted! We never truly know the impact of our words and actions on others."
Thanks Susan for sharing your DARE to AFFIRM story with me! I know others will value it. Send us your stories like Susan did, so we can share your successes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Susan for sharing your experiences. You have become so "in tune" with the people in your world and it is a pleasure to watch your discoveries.