Friday, May 9, 2008

Stopping to SEE...Reflect and Relate

The Perfection of Imperfection...
I have been spending a lot of time with photography and reflecting on the connections between it and DARE to AFFIRM. What I realize is that when I am just still and appreciative as I observe nature, I see and feel the energy of what is around me without trying at all to judge or have preconceived notions. When this happens, life flows smoothly and I feel at peace. When I am unsettled, I try to "shoot" the perfect picture and end up with nothing I am satisfied with. The other morning, I visited our garden...just so see and receive. This rose bush showed me its beauty in all of its colors and stages of being. There was perfection in the imperfection. Every part of the plant was unique, just like we all are as individuals. Even the thorns, the tight buds and the bugs, were a part of nature's plan that showed itself to me. It had strengths and challenges.
Later in the morning, I thought about facilitating classes and workshops and even back to the times when I was a classroom teacher. When I was still and settled, meeting the group with love and an open mind to receive from them, the sessions flowed with loving respect. When I was "uptight", the flow was not the same. I discovered TEACHABLE MOMENT S in all of these lessons from nature. For me. it connected me to who I am, what I see and what I do. I am filled with gratitude.
Do you have similar stories to share with me? I would love to hear from you.


This wild violet was growing in our yard and part of my early morning discovery the other day. It revealed itself to me in all of its simplicity and also opened up some memories stored in my heart. These flowers always bloom for Mother's Day and every year I would make a bouquet for Mom of these violets. She loved them. She also loved iris as her favorite flower. She couldn't tell me why but just did. Now as I write this message for Mom, I realize that I have shared the violet picture and am looking out at my garden just filled with iris in bloom. Coincidence? What do you think?? I think NOT. It is the synchronicities of life that are always present for us when we are open and still and pay attention to them.

My greatest Mother's Day gift this year is that Jon will be coming "home" from Japan to spend 12 days in NJ. We will reconnect, store up hugs to last until next time, and just generally hang out and BE together. After all, isn't that a big piece of what relationships are all about!!!?!?!?!? I wish all of our readers a wonderful, peaceful Mother's Day and hope that you take the time to NURTURE AND AFFIRM YOURSELF as much as I hope your family will take the time to NURTURE AND AFFIRM YOU.

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