Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Touchis" are Friend Makers

I would bet that some of you are "old enough" to remember when Alvin Freed created Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies oh so many years ago?? They were the cutest orange pom poms with eyes that moved about and feelers too - well, I call them feelers and they were meant to make you feel GOOD! The warm fuzzies made Frozs (non sexist frogs) turn back into Prinzs (non sexist prince and princesses) after the 'mean' people made them feel less than ok. Thus his book..."I'm OK. You're OK".
Since he created them, for DARE to AFFIRM, we have "Touchis". They are a play on words - get it? Touch is and 'touchis'. Since we are all about responsive respectful relationships, it is only natural to give these to folks who come to spend time with us to thank them, affirm them, and remind them to catch someone doing something right.
Years ago (more than 10!!) when I started working at a Head Start program, I did a training for the bus drivers and other support staff. Why do I bring this up now??? Well, there was this 20 year old young man in the group - he made deliveries for the agency. At the end of the workshop, he got a light blue 'fuzzie'and for two years, kept it in his pocket and played with it when he felt 'frozzie'. I left but who knows if he still had it longer?
See, you never know what effect your words or actions have on someone, so pay attention, watch how you relate and spread the goodness that makes the world still a special place.
This picture with the two yellow touchis? Still giving them out and spreading the word. After all, isn't this all about DARE to AFFIRM? This time it was at Read Aloud Delaware conference on Saturday. Great day; great attendance and soon, I will introduce you to a special person - our hostess Denise.

1 comment:

Amy Sperry Faldet said...

You touch the soul with these concepts! Great idea! Blessings.