Saturday, January 26, 2008

Caring for the Whale

Have you ever read the book Whale Done by Ken Blanchard, Well, Towanda Randall and the staff at GreenByrne Child Care Center in Philadelphia have. Not only have they read it, but that have developed a program for center staff using an idea from the book. Here is what Towanda shared with us:
"I wanted to tell you about a program we have here at our center for staff. It is called "Whale Done". We have a jar that staff and parents can put notes in. The notes will say what they saw a teacher doing that was good or helpful. Quarterly we tally up the names that are in the jar to see whose name was entered the most. We surprise that staff person with a special card and $50. They also will have to take care of the center's whale (a stuffed animal) until the next person is selected. Staff and parents love this idea and are very involved!"
Towanda was at our workshop at the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children in Philadelphia. She commented: "It was a pleasure attending your workshop. You are a very exciting and energetic woman and I applaud you." Thank you Towanda. DARE to AFFIRM applauds YOU!! We hope you all continue to "catch them doing something right"!!

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