Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Children's Message to the World!

This message says it all - what the world needs NOW and what the children of the Mullica Hill Friends School wish for everyone! Bill and I were out seeking "photo ops" and this one just happened to be right there for us!! Thank you to the children for undertaking this project and sharing it with the world.
As we enter into Spring - the season for new growth and new hopes - as well as the welcoming back of our "old friends" - the spectacular flowers, birds and butterflies, let's open our hearts to the children's message and wish for world peace. Let us allow people to be who they are, believe as they do, and develop more of an understanding and respect for those who are different from them.
We remember Friends School fondly. Our son, Jon, spent some formative years there with many special teachers - Delores, Anne, Margie and Randy. They recognized his strengths and nurtured him as the unique individual that he is. We can be sure that they were partners with Bill and me in developing this truly amazing person. We are grateful!!
As we travel out and about with DARE to AFFIRM, Allison and I are meeting so many of you who exemplify the same nurturing, trust, caring and compassion.
May we wish that you continue your wonderful work and share the message with the world.
Dance in Relaltionships and "CATCH THEM DOING SOMETHING RIGHT"!!

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